The Most Important Factor To Finding An Excellent Medical Assistant Program
Suppose you find several Medical Assistant Schools in your area offering the same quality education. They all offer hands-on training, small class sizes, and everyone on campus seems happy there. How do you choose what Medical Assistant School to attend?
Well, choosing a Medical Assistant Program is like choosing a car. You can find the same car at several dealerships, but what dealership are you going to buy from?
You might be tempted to buy the car from the dealership with the lowest price, but what if the lowest price was offered at a dealership that you didn’t trust. How could you be sure that dealership would help you if your car had a problem a month later? And how much are you really saving?
Certainly, the cost of the Medical Assistant Program is going to play a factor. But, most of the time, you’ll find that the various Medical Assistant Schools charge the same amount. So when money isn’t the issue, what’s the most important factor for determining what career school to attend?
The answer is simple: the school’s career placement department.
If all the Medical Assistant Schools seem about the same, then you need to pay close attention to the school’s career placement department. You’re not going to school for entertainment; you’re training to become a medical assistant so you can find a great job. That’s why the career placement department is so important.
The career placement department is your doorway to getting access to the employers in your area wanting to recruit trained medical assistants. Without a quality career placement department, you’re left to searching the web to find your own job. And that’s not why you’re joining a career school. A Medical Assistant School should train and help you find a job. That’s what they’re supposed to do.
And sadly, the career placement department is probably one of the most overlooked factors when students decide where to attend. Some students get so excited over the hands-on training and flexible schedules, they forget about career placement.
Visit the career placement department and that will tell you a lot about how much the school is focused on finding you a job. Find out who the career placement director is and talk with him or her about job placement rates. Ask what the career placement department does to help prepare you for a job interviews.