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Medical Assistant Schools in Arkansas
If you want to increase your education, you should consider training to become a medical assistant. You can look for a medical assistant school in Arkansas that offers health care training. If you can envision yourself working in a profession that is rewarding and gives you a chance to work with health care professionals, the medical assistant profession could be a good career destination.
Medical assistants are respected professionals within the health care industry. Job duties may include, but are not limited to, assisting physicians and various health care practitioners. If you are hoping to get ahead, medical assisting may be able to provide opportunities to grow professionally.
In 2008, there were 1,920 medical assistants employed in the state of Arkansas. This number is expected to increase 36 percent by 2018. Entry-level medical assistants can expect to earn a starting salary of $20,100. The median salary for Arkansas medical assistants is $24,900.*
*CareerOneStop, sponsored by the U. S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration