School Locations
Medical Assistant Schools in California
If you hope to find medical assistant schools in California that offer health care training -- the type that employers' value -- there are numerous school locations from which to choose throughout Northern and Southern California.
If you enjoy the thought of working in a respectable health care field, earning a steady income, and assisting other professionals and health care providers, medical assisting could be a good career choice. As a working professional, your job duties may include scheduling appointments, and billing and coding information.
As of 2008, 76,100 medical assistants were employed in California. That number is expected to increase by 31 percent to 99,400 by 2018. The starting wage for California medical assistants was $21,300 as of 2011. The median annual wage for the same period was $31,300.*
*CareerOneStop, sponsored by the U. S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration