School Locations
Medical Assistant Schools in Georgia
Now could be the perfect time to search for medical assistant schools in Georgia that offer training for health care employment. Medical assisting can be a great career choice if you like the idea of working in a professional environment alongside other health care practitioners.
Medical assisting can be a quick way to enter the health care field while avoiding years and years of medical schooling. Program training may vary by state, along with the type of credential awarded upon graduation from a medical assistant program.
Georgia medical assistants employed in 2011 earned an entry-level salary of $20,400. The median annual salary for that same year was $28,200 and was as high as $29,100 for some medical assistants. As of 2008, 14,390 medical assistants occupied the ranks of those employed. By 2018, the total number of employed medical assistants is projected to reach 21,090, an accumulative increase of 47 percent.*
- Everest Institute - Alanta West
- Everest Institute - Jonesboro
- Everest Institute - Marietta
- Everest Institute - Norcross
*CareerOneStop, sponsored by the U. S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration