School Locations
Medical Assistant Schools in Hawaii
If the thought of working in the health care industry sounds appealing, you may want to conduct research on the type of training offered at medical assistant schools in Hawaii. Medical assisting can be a rewarding field. Many medical assistants benefit from advancing into other areas of health care with additional training or certification.
Many medical assistant programs throughout the U.S. can be completed in less than a year, while some programs may take several years to complete. Program, graduation requirements and the type of credential awarded upon graduation may vary by institution.
In 2008, Hawaii employed 2,790 medical assistants. By 2018, there is an expected 20 percent increase in the amount of positions filled, which should cap the total number of employed medical assistants at 3,340. During 2011, the starting wage for medical assistants was $28,800. The median annual wage for the same period was $33,900.*
*CareerOneStop, sponsored by the U. S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration