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Medical Assistant Schools in Illinois
If you feel a present need to advance your career, consider contacting medical assistant schools in Illinois that can provide training that health care practitioners value. If you like the idea of working in a professional field where you can help impact the quality of a patient's health, medical assisting could be a good career move. Many medical assistants enjoy working alongside other health care professionals.
Some medical assistant programs can be completed in less than a year while others may take up to two years to complete. The school determines the program credential awarded upon graduation, like a degree or diploma. Medical assistant programs may vary by state.
The yearly starting wage for Illinois medical assistants in 2011 was $21,100. The median annual wage for the same year was $29,300. In 2008, the state of Illinois employed 16,320 medical assistants. By 2018, 20,830 medical assistants are expected to be employed by the state. This will be an overall increase of 28 percent over the number of medical assistants employed in 2008.
*CareerOneStop, sponsored by the U. S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration