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Medical Assistant Schools in Iowa
Take the first step to pursuing a health care career by attending a medical assistant school in Iowa. Many medical assistants are valued members of health care teams. They perform clinical and administrative duties under the supervision of a physician. A typical workday may include scheduling patient appointments, documenting patient data, taking vital signs and preparing patients for examination.
Medical assistant programs can take less than a year to complete, or up to several years, depending on the program, credential and school. And medical assistant programs may vary from state to state. Medical assisting can be a rewarding field, especially if your goal is to enroll and graduate in as little time as possible. Studying to become a medical assistant allows you to skip years of intense schooling required by some health care professions.
Iowa medical assistants earned a starting annual wage of $21,400 in 2011. The median annual wage for medical assistants during the same year was $28,700. In 2008, state data indicated there were 3,030 medical assistants on health provider payrolls. In 2018, the total number of employed medical assistants is expected to increase over 2008's tally by 29 percent.*
*CareerOneStop, sponsored by the U. S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration