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Medical Assistant Schools in Kentucky
Enroll in a medical assistant school in Kentucky and get the training needed to pursue an entry-level health care position. Is medical assisting a rewarding career? It can be if you enjoy the thought of earning a living by helping people live healthier lives. For many medical assistants, the option to work in a professional environment was a strong incentive to enroll in training.
Many medical assistant students can complete training in less than a year. Other programs may take one or two years to complete. Additionally, training programs offered may vary by state, along with the credential awarded upon graduation. Training to become a medical assistant allows you to bypass the years of schooling that other health care disciplines may require.
In 2011, the starting wage for entry-level medical assistants in Kentucky was $19,300. The median annual wage for the same period was $26,500. As of 2008, there were 7,100 medical assistants employed by the state of Kentucky. That number is expected to increase to 9,210 actively employed medical assistants by 2018, due to a 30 percent overall increase.*
*CareerOneStop, sponsored by the U. S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration