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Medical Assistant Schools in Maine
Are you interested in enrolling in health care training, but need help selecting a program that fits you? Attending a medical assistant school in Maine could be the start you need to pursue a health care career in as little time as possible. Many students are able to start and complete their training program in less than a year. Other medical assistant programs may take one to two years to complete. It depends on your school's program.
Can a career in medical assisting be rewarding? Yes! Many medical assistants enjoy working in a professional environment where they can apply their skills to help patients maintain a better quality of health. Many medical assistants also realize the benefits of working with other health care practitioners while being able to enjoy a rewarding career.
In 2011, medical assistants who found entry-level work earned a starting annual wage of $23,900. Medical assistants earned a median salary of $29,500 during the same time period. During 2008, 2,130 medical assistants found employment. By 2018, the number of employed medical assistants is expected to have increased to 2,490, an overall change of 17 percent.*
*CareerOneStop, sponsored by the U. S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration