School Locations
Medical Assistant Schools in Minnesota
Get the training you need to start moving your career forward. You can attend a medical assistant school in Minnesota and prepare for a new, exciting career. Many of today's health care practitioners rely on medical assistants to perform needed tasks. These duties include taking patient blood samples, recording information, answering phones and other office duties.
Some medical assistant programs may grant a diploma, while others award an associate degree. It will depend on your career goals as to which path is best for you. Check with your school to learn more about its program and class start dates. A school representative can tell you more about the type of credential you'll receive upon graduation.
In 2011, the starting entry-level salary for medical assistants was $23,600. The median annual salary was $33,200 for the same year. Minnesota employed 6,870 medical assistants in 2008. By 2018, this total is expected to undergo a 28 percent increase and total 8,790.*
*CareerOneStop, sponsored by the U. S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration