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Medical Assistant Schools in Vermont
Have you ever thought about what it would be like to earn a living in the exciting field of health care? If so, there are a number of medical assistant schools in Vermont that offer hands-on training. Depending on your program and school, you may be able to complete training in less than a year.
Many medical assistants enjoy the benefits of earning a living in a professional environment while providing assistance to people with health care needs. A medical assistant's typical workday may consist of drawing a patient's blood, checking and recoding vital signs, scheduling appointments and more.
During 2011, Vermont medical assistants earned a yearly starting salary of $25,300. The median annual salary for medical assistants for that same year was $31,000. During 2008, Vermont employed 700 medical assistants. By 2018, labor projections indicate there may be 860 total medical assistant jobs. This represents a 23 percent increase over the total number of medical assistant jobs during 2008.*
*CareerOneStop, sponsored by the U. S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration