School Locations
Medical Assistant Schools in Wisconsin
There are a number of medical assistant schools in Wisconsin that can offer the training you need to become a medical assistant. As a medical assistant, you'll be a valued team member who assists people on a daily basis with their health care needs. Your medical assistant training can qualify you to seek medical assistant entry-level positions in physicians' offices and other health practitioners.
As a medical assistant, your job responsibilities may require you to take patients’ blood samples, record patients’ vital signs, and help patients prepare for examinations and more. If you enjoy helping people, medical assisting can be a good career choice. It can also be a good career choice if your goal is to enjoy a career in a field that offers professional growth opportunities.
During 2011, medical assistants earned a starting salary of about $24,200. The annual median salary for the same year increased to $30,400. Wisconsin is expected to employ 9,860 medical assistants by 2018. This is a 21 percent increase over the number of working medical assistants in 2008.*
- Bryant & Stratton College - Milwaukee
- Chippewa Valley Technical College - Eau Claire
- Concordia University - Milwaukee Campus
- Mid-State Technical College - Wisconsin Rapids
*CareerOneStop, sponsored by the U. S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration